Lenoir City Schools Student Registration Requirements
(passport, Visa, I-94, Home Land Security Immigration document, etc.)
A student must be enrolled and registered using the exact name that appears on the certificate of birth or certificate of adoption. Name changes due to the marriage of the student or other court proceedings will be entered in the student’s record upon receipt of an official documentation through the court agency (TCA 49-6-5106).
Any student transferring from out of state must provide a Tennessee Immunization Form. You may obtain this form at the local health department. If you would like more information about required immunizations, you can visit http://health.state.tn.us/ceds/required.htm.
If parents are divorced, a copy of the divorce agreement with the judge’s signature must be provided showing which parent has legal guardianship. If someone other than the birth parent(s) or legal guardian(s) is enrolling a student, you must speak to the principal. The principal will decide if the Power Of Attorney papers will be acceptable.
Parent(s) or legal guardian(s) must provide proof of residency. The correct name and address must be on a document such as a water bill, phone bill, gas or electric bill, a rent or mortgage receipt formal rental lease or property tax receipt.
· Name, Address, and Phone Number of the school you are transferring from, a withdrawal form, unofficial copy of school transcript, or your last report card.